Wednesday, August 19, 2009

early morning insomnia

So, I wake up at four in the morning with terrible cramps. TMI.

I get up, use the toilet, then decide I can't sleep. So I get up again and head downstairs, pointe shoes in tow, to fix an elastic that was coming undone yesterday during class. I felt so accomplished. I was almost going to go as far as resew my elastics on my slippers, but it's hard to cut thread with a knife as opposed to scissors, which were missing in action, as always. After that was done, I went to bed. A few minutes later, I got up and checked Facebook (I'm pretty much addicted, unfortunately). I didn't want to go to sleep because I love early morning. 5 - 8ish is probably my favorite time of the day. I've never slept in past 9:30, and I'm quite proud of that.

Eventually I did fall asleep, and I ended up missing my pointe class today. Oops. Oh well, extra cashola for me.

Hopefully I'll get to see my good friend, Irene, today. She's probably one of five people I've seen all summer (the other four being my family and Jeremiah). She leaves for UW-Eau Claire Saturday, which is crazy. The numbers are slowly dwindling. She leaves early because she's in the marching band, which is pretty cool. I told her that I'm going to go see her in action, and I hope that I actually can.

Alexa Chung is odd, but I like her.

My house smells like cat food. Ick.

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