Monday, August 3, 2009

A lull.

This past Saturday, my town held its annual Festival of Summer in the square. Unfortunately, it felt like anything but summer; it was cold, rainy, and the skies were gray. They had a stage set up for promotion of companies and just cool things to watch and such. My mom recruited the boy and I to help promote zumba at her yoga/fitness studio, which was rocky at first, but then after we got going, the performance went pretty well. Later on, I went back over with my ballet studio to perform a "condensed" condensed version of "Rodeo". It was cool because when it was my turn to do my duet, a patch of sun came out and shone right down on my partner and I. It was also the best performance we did together!

Ahh, how things fall into place.

Now, I have nothing to do with myself until school starts. My ballet intensive is over, my zumba class is over, anndd...I'm already bored. I have no idea what I'm going to do until August 29th.

And now I'm sitting here, biting my nails, trying to think of something to write. Blaaaah.

Hopefully something exciting will happen soon.

Amy OUT.


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